下面以C++ SQLITE 来说明介绍
sqlite 线程安全设置
通过宏定义SQLITE_THREADSAFE是否线程安全,官方文档window与linux默认编译动态库是SQLITE_THREADSAFE = 1,代表线程安全,基本所有文档都这么说,但线程安全又分为3种模式,看这里就懵逼了,线程是否安全不就是加锁与不加锁,怎么还出现3种模式,我开始也不明白,后面看到官方介绍,自己细细分析区别就是加锁的程度不一样,因为SQL有很多函数,只是加锁函数个数不一样,比喻100个函数,如果模式0, 单线程那么就不用加锁,你都只有一个函数使用,这种场景其实也有,我就在主线程处理数据库操作,那么是不是就只有一个线程,那么有什么线程安全呢?所以100个函数都不进行加锁,感觉这个直接设置SQLITE_THREADSAFE = 0 不就可以了吗?但SQLITE 又提出这个概念,那么我在想可能一些底层访问还是加锁,只是我们用的API没有加锁而已(这里只是我猜测,没有看代码分析)
模式1 多线程模式,部分函数加锁,但一些函数不加锁,这种要一个线程一个连接,不能多个线程拿多个连接,可能出现线程竞争,这块具体哪些API,我目前还没有明白。
模式2 串行化模式,全部加锁,所以官方文档说这种没有限制的。默认采用这种模式
Threads are evil. Avoid them.
SQLite is threadsafe. We make this concession since many users choose to ignore the advice given in the previous paragraph. But in order to be thread-safe, SQLite must be compiled with the SQLITE_THREADSAFE preprocessor macro set to 1. Both the Windows and Linux precompiled binaries in the distribution are compiled this way. If you are unsure if the SQLite library you are linking against is compiled to be threadsafe you can call the sqlite3_threadsafe() interface to find out.
SQLite is threadsafe because it uses mutexes to serialize access to common data structures. However, the work of acquiring and releasing these mutexes will slow SQLite down slightly. Hence, if you do not need SQLite to be threadsafe, you should disable the mutexes for maximum performance. See the threading mode documentation for additional information.
Under Unix, you should not carry an open SQLite database across a fork() system call into the child process.
结论是线程安全,但必须要设置SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1,windows 与 linux 编译二进制文件默认设置thread-safe,
SQLite supports three different threading modes:
Single-thread. In this mode, all mutexes are disabled and SQLite is unsafe to use in more than a single thread at once.
Multi-thread. In this mode, SQLite can be safely used by multiple threads provided that no single database connection is used simultaneously in two or more threads.
Serialized. In serialized mode, SQLite can be safely used by multiple threads with no restriction.
The threading mode can be selected at compile-time (when the SQLite library is being compiled from source code) or at start-time (when the application that intends to use SQLite is initializing) or at run-time (when a new SQLite database connection is being created). Generally speaking, run-time overrides start-time and start-time overrides compile-time. Except, single-thread mode cannot be overridden once selected.
The default mode is serialized.
There are no arguments to this option. This option sets the threading mode to Single-thread. In other words, it disables all mutexing and puts SQLite into a mode where it can only be used by a single thread. If SQLite is compiled with the SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 compile-time option then it is not possible to change the threading mode from its default value of Single-thread and so sqlite3_config() will return SQLITE_ERROR if called with the SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD configuration option.
单线程模式:所有锁无效,如果你编译时候 SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0,就是默认这个模式,运行时候你无法动态改变线程模式,如果你设置就会报错。但如果线程安全那么是不是可以设置某个链接为了非线程安全(感觉可以)
There are no arguments to this option. This option sets the threading mode to Multi-thread. In other words, it disables mutexing on database connection and prepared statement objects. The application is responsible for serializing access to database connections and prepared statements. But other mutexes are enabled so that SQLite will be safe to use in a multi-threaded environment as long as no two threads attempt to use the same database connection at the same time. If SQLite is compiled with the SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 compile-time option then it is not possible to set the Multi-thread threading mode and sqlite3_config() will return SQLITE_ERROR if called with the SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD configuration option.
- 队列【每个线程一个链接】,以任务形式丢到任务处理函数,这样子并发的。
- 线程池,每次拿到一个链接,执行完,放回连接池,这样子就不用管了,一定能保存,一个线程同一时刻使用到,主流还是连接池模式。
There are no arguments to this option. This option sets the threading mode to Serialized. In other words, this option enables all mutexes including the recursive mutexes on database connection and prepared statement objects. In this mode (which is the default when SQLite is compiled with SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1) the SQLite library will itself serialize access to database connections and prepared statements so that the application is free to use the same database connection or the same prepared statement in different threads at the same time. If SQLite is compiled with the SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 compile-time option then it is not possible to set the Serialized threading mode and sqlite3_config() will return SQLITE_ERROR if called with the SQLITE_CONFIG_SERIALIZED configuration option.
调用 sqlite3_threadsafe
- 如果你设置SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1,并设置串行模式,那么就是线程安全的,默认windows与Linux官方的提供的包都是线程安全的。
- SQLITE_THREADSAFE = 1并设置多线程模式,必须保持同一时刻不能多线程处理同一个链接,所以解决方案是连接池,或者任务队列模式,来保存同一个时刻一个连接只由一个线程访问(我的理解,其实这个就不是线程安全,都要自己保存安全了,那还谈什么线程安全,我们常见线程安全就是直接调用,不要考虑不同线程),所以这种模式只是性能好一点,但线程安全还是由于把握。
- 串行模式,真正意义以上线程安全。你随便乱用都可以。
我这篇文章应该足够说明SQLITE 多线程问题了吧,感觉有的时候根本就不需要看代码,看代码反而更加搞不懂,因为别人的写的代码,不一定能映射到他的思维。直接看帮助文档和网上一些总结和自己开发经验就能推出来一些合理结论。。。。。